What is MAC ADDRESS -2016

When you are in the field of Networking Hacking then you will often come across the word - MAC ADDRESS.

MAC ADDRESS stands for MEDIA ACCESS CONTROL ADDRESS. This is a binary number which is used to identify unique computer or you can say to it is used to uniquely identify computer network adapters.

If you want to know you Mac address click here

In general you can say every computer has unique MAC ADDRESS.(Not every time hackers can change it)

These binary numbers also called hardware addresses.These numbers are physically burned into the network hardware during  the manufacturing process or stored in firmware and designed to not be modified.



The first left 6 digits are of 24bits and are called as "prefix" and are associated with the adapter manufracturer. Prefixes are assigned by IEEE(Institute of Electrical And Electronics Engineers)

The right most digits are related to the specific identity of the device and thus they are different for each devices.


Traditional Mac address used to of 48 bits (24+24) but now a days network likes "ZigBee" requires Mac address of 64bit in length to work.
Technically IPv6 automatically translate 48 bit Mac address into a 64 bit Mac address by inserting a fixed 16 bit number between vendor prefix and device identifier.

So if a 48 bit Mac address like
0:13:10:12:34:96 will appear as  0:13:10:AA:EE:12:34:96 on IPv6 network.
You can check vendor prefix and device identifier are same in not cases but what makes it different is those 16 bit hard coded - fixed value.
I hope this post has helped you to I derstand MAC ADDRESS basics.

Who Are Anonymous-Are You?

Hey guys if you are on a way of becoming hacker then this post is very much important for you guys or may be I can call you young hackers.

I m pretty much sure you have heard the word- Anonymous which means 'unknown". Isn't it?

Anonymous is the world largest group of hackers.These  can be crackers, activists or hactivists.
Anonymous is a loosely associated international network of activist and hacktivist entities. A website nominally associated with the group
describes it as "an Internet gathering" with "a very loose and decentralized command structure that operates on ideas rather than
directives". The group became known for a series of well-publicized publicity stunts and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks on
government, religious, and corporate websites.

They appear very first on imageboard -4chan.Members of this group is known as 'Anons'.Now the question arises how you can distinguish them from public ?

Its quite easy ..you can distinguish simple asking them like Are you A part Of Anonymous? Or they like to wear Fawkes masks in the style portrayed in the graphic novel and film, V for Vendetta

Many time guys asked me how to join anonymous? What I have to do to join Anonymous?

Remember guys the are not any organisation , they are a online community.So there is no legal forms or subscription like this to join Anonymous.

If you want to be one of them all you have to follow their ideals and that's it.There is no leader, they are fill of noobs to professional hackers.

"We are Anonymous. We do
not forgive. We do not
forget.Expect us"

The above quote you just read is the main slogan you will find anywhere ,whenever there is a presence of any of the member of Anonymous or Anon.

What is the ideology of Anonymous-

The main think you should remember when you wanna be Anon is that they don't hack anything for fun or for making money .So I guess you got the main ideology of this group.

And do you know what -I AM THE PART OF ANONYMOUS AND YOU ?

All About Cache Memory-2016

I know its have been days since I posted any article.Sorry for this guys. But today we will learn something about CACHE MEMORY.

Some of you have heard about this term and some of you may not heard about this.First lets talk about how does it pronounce. Its pronounced as"cash memory".

So what is cache memory?

As its sound,its an other form of memory basically it is a temporay memory which stored data on a device no matter device is PC or android. Cache memory is a type of memory used to hold frequently used data. Cache memory is relatively small, but very fast.

The very effective way to increase the speed of the computer or any device is to use cache memory.
But don't get confused and even don't think that  this will make your Android faster than ever.
On android this is used for web page loading.Yes this memory is used to load web pages fast. Web browsers typically use a cache to make webpages load faster by storing a copy of the webpage files locally, such as on your local computer/android. This is referred to as a
Web cache.

The basic purpose of cache memory is to store program instructions that are frequently re-referenced by software during operation. Fast access to these instructions increases the overall speed of
the software program.

In computer-
A Cache is a small and very fast temporary storage memory. It is designed to speed up the transfer of data and instructions. It is located inside or close to the CPU chip. It is faster than RAM and the data/
instructions that are most recently or most frequently used by CPU are stored in cache.

The following are the deferent levels of cache Memory(depending upon the size of cache memory):-

Level 1 (L1) Cache
It is also called primary or internal cache. It is built directly into the processor chip. It has small capacity from 8kb to 128kb.

Level 2 (L2) Cache
It is slower than L1 cache. Its storage capacity is more, i-e. From 64 Kb to 16 MB. The current processors contain advanced transfer cache on processor chip that is a type of L2 cache. The common size of this cache is from
512 kb to 8 Mb.

Level 3 (L3) Cache
This cache is separate from processor chip on the motherboard. It exists on the computer
that uses L2 advanced transfer cache. It is slower than L1 and L2 cache. The personal computer often has up to 8 MB of L3 cache.

That's all about for today guys.If you liked this article don't forget to share this.

Hacker Acronyms -2016

Although there are vast number of abbreviations in hacking field,but I tried my best to put them here.

• Back door – A hole deliberately placed by designers into a security system. Hackers use back doors to get into a system.

• Bit bucket – The universal data dump. Lost, deleted, or destroyed data ends up here.

• Black hat – A criminal hacker who causes damage and breaks the law by hacking.

• Cracker – someone who breaks into a security system. Many hackers separate themselves from
crackers because crackers are often tied to organized crime rings.

• Daisy-chaining – process where a hacker gains entry into a computer or network and then uses it to gain access to another.

• Deep magic – A special technique central to a program.

• Hacker – A person who is able to break into a computer’s system with or without permission.

• Hacking run – A hacking session that lasts in an excess of eight to ten hours.

• Foo – Term used as a sample name for programs and files when the developer can’t think
of anything else.

• Gray hat – A hacker who sometimes hacks
illegally and sometimes hacks \“legally\”.

• KISS Principle – Acronym for “Keep It Simple Stupid”, used to control development complexity
by hackers.

Kluge – A clever programming trick that works for the wrong reason.

• Lots of MIPS but no I/O – describes a system that has a lot of processing power, but a bottlenecked input/output.

• Munge – A rewrite of a routine, data structure, or whole program.

Netiquette – The standards of politeness across the internet; not often observed by hackers.

Phreaking – The science of cracking a phone network.

• Script kiddie – A “copycat hacker” who copies other hacker’s techniques without creating anything of their own.

• Security through obscurity – hacker term for a common way of dealing with security holes where
they are ignored and not documented with the hope nobody finds them.

• Sneaker – An individual hired to break into places with the purpose of testing their security.

• Spaghetti code – code that has a complex and tangled control structure.

• Time bomb – program that is set to trigger once certain conditions are reached.

• Trojan horse – program that disguises itself as one thing but once inside a computer, it actually
does something else. Most often, they are damaging (viruses).

• White hat – A hacker who is considered “nice” i.e. when he hacks, he informs the owner he has
done it.

• Vaporware – term used by hackers referring to products released in advance of their official release date.

Wetware – phrase referring to humans on the other end of a computer system.

• Virus – A self-replicating program that inserts itself into computer systems and causes damage.

• Voodoo programming – The use by guess of an obscure system that someone doesn’t really
understand; i.e., whether it works or doesn’t work, the user has no real idea why.

• Vulcan nerve pinch – A keyboard combination that forces a soft-boot.

• Wedged – A point where a system is stuck; different from a crash, where the system is nonfunctioning.

• Wizard – person who completely understands how a program or process works.

BotNet: is a network of computer you have established using malware on many computers with your inflicted by you, controlled by you.

• R.A.T. = Remote admin tool: A way to control other computers from yours and execute many different functions.

Xss = Cross-site-Scripting and is a web hacking method where you inject HTML or JavaScript on
the web-page. This attack can be done by submitting queries into text boxes or simply in the URL.

• Key loggers : Malware which is Constantly recording the infected computers Keystrokes and
then sends you logs via E-mail or FTP.

• VPN = Virtual private network: A private Network which will completely hide your IP.

VPS = Virtual private Server: A virtual private server is one of many virtual machines running on a single computer.They are often used by Internet hosting services. Although a VPS runs in software on the same physical computer as other

• DOS: Denial of Service is an attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its
intended users usually down by one machine.

DDOS: Distributed Denial of Service is the same thing as DOS but from multiple systems

• SQL: structured query language is a query language used for accessing and modifying information in a database.

• Cookie logger: cookie logger is used to log the targets cookies then sends it to you Via E-mail or ftp

• Malware: Malware, short for malicious (or malevolent) software, is software used or created
by attackers to disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive information, or gain access to private computer systems. It can appear in the form of code, scripts, active content, and other software.
Malware is a general term used to refer to a variety of forms of hostile or intrusive software.

vira – ‘vira’ cannot spread without the help of us humans. They are like parasites because they need
a host to attach themselves to. The host is usually a legitimate looking program or file. Once this program is launched, the virus is executed and
infects other files on your computer. vira can be very destructive. They can do damage to your computer hardware, software and files. vira are
spread through the sharing of files and are many times sent within emails via attachments.

• Worms – A worm is a malicious program that can replicate itself onto other computers on a
network. Unlike a virus, worms don’t need a human to be able to spread and infect systems. Once it infects a system, it uses that system to
send out other copies of itself to other random systems attempting to infect them.

• Trojan Horse – A trojan horse is a maliciousprogram that can be used to do silly things to a system like changing its desktop, mess with the
user interface, and take control of your mouse. It can also be used for some serious things like accessing your data, erasing your files, stealing
your passwords, and capturing your keystrokes.

• Logic Bombs – Logic bombs are usually pieces of code that are programmed into a program that
lie dormant until a certain time or until a user does a certain action which causes it to be executed.
When it is triggered it performs a certain function that the program wasn’t intended to do.

• Bacteria – Bacteria make many copies of themselves and eventually end up taking up all of
the computers resources such as all of its processor power, memory and disk space. This results in the legitimate user losing access to
those resources.

Rootkit :The malware most likely to have a human touch, rootkits are installed by crackers (bad
hackers) on other peoples computers. he rootkit is
designed to camouflage itself in a systems core processes so as to go undetected. It is the hardest
of all malware to detect and therefore to remove; many experts recommend completely wiping your
hard drive and re installing everything fresh.

• Adware are the programs which delivers ads to your computer (generally in POP-UPs form). They
consume your network bandwidth and slow it down.

Wabbits: According to Wikipedia, wabbits are in act rare, and its not hard to see why: they dont do anything to spread to other machines. A wabbit, like a virus, replicates itself, but it does not have
any instructions to email itself or pass itself through a computer network in order to infect
other machines. The least ambitious of all malware, it is content simply to focus on utterly devastating a single machine.

• Blended Threats – Blended threats combine all of the characteristics of the above and use them
along with system vulnerabilities to spread and infect machines.

Zero day exploit- A zero day vulnerability refers to a hole in
software that is unknown to the vendor. This security hole is then exploited by hackers before the vendor becomes aware and hurries to fix it—this exploit is called a zero day attack.

If I have missed anyone just comment here I will add into the post.Don't forget to share guys.

All About Hacking-2016

What is hacking?

There are many definitions of hacking. In this article, we will define hacking as identifying weakness in computer systems and/or networks and exploiting the weaknesses to gain access. An example of hacking is using by passing the login algorithm to gain access to a system. A hacker is a person who finds and exploits weakness in computer systems and/or networks to gain access. Hackers are usually skilled computer programmers with knowledge of computer security.

 Before we go any further, let’s look at some of the most commonly used terminologies in the world of hacking.


Types of hackers:-

Hackers are classified according to the intent of their actions. The following list classifies hackers according to their intent.

Ethical Hacker (White hat):A hacker who gains access to systems with a view to fix the identified weaknesses. They may also perform penetration testing and vulnerability assessments.

Cracker (Black hat):A hacker who gains unauthorized access to computer systems for personal gain. The intent is usually to steal corporate data, violate privacy rights, transfer funds from bank accounts etc.

Grey hat:A hacker who is in between ethical and black hat hackers. He/she breaks into computer systems without authority with a view to identify weaknesses and reveal them to the system owner.

Script kiddies:A non-skilled person who gains access to computer systems using already made tools.

Hacktivist:A hacker who use hacking to send social, religious, and political etc. messages. This is usually done by hijacking websites and leaving the message on the hijacked website.

Phreaker:A hacker who identifies and exploits weaknesses in telephones instead of computers.

What is Cybercrime?

Cybercrime is the use of computers and networks to perform illegal activities such as spreading computer viruses, online bullying, performing unauthorized electronic fund transfers etc.  Most cybercrimes are committed through the internet. Some cybercrimes can also be carried out using phones via SMS and online chatting applications.

Type of Cybercrime

The following list presents the common types of cybercrimes:

Computer fraud: Intentional deception for personal gain via the use of computer systems.

Privacy violation:Exposing personal information such as email addresses, phone number, account details etc. on  social media, websites etc.

Identity Theft:Stealing personal information from somebody and impersonating that person.

Sharing copyrighted files/information:This involves distributing copyright protected files such as eBooks and computer programs etc.

Electronic funds transfer:This involves gaining an un-authorized access to bank computer networks and making illegal fund transfers.
Electronic money laundering:This involves the use of computer to launder money.

ATM Fraud:This involves intercepting ATM card details such as account number and PIN numbers. These details are then used to withdraw funds from the intercepted accounts.
Denial of Service Attacks:This involves the use of computers in multiple locations to attack servers with a view of shutting them down.

Spam:Sending unauthorized emails. These emails usually contain advertisements.
Carding:Carding is online and illegal way of ordering anything free of cost in fact they hack credit card and used them to pay online.

What is ethical hacking?

Ethical hacking is identifying weakness in computer systems and/or computer networks and coming with counter measures that protect the weaknesses. Ethical hackers must abide by the following rules.

Get written permission from the owner of the computer system and/or computer network before hacking.
Protect the privacy of the organization been hacked.
Transparently report all the identified weaknesses in the computer system to the organization.
Inform hardware and software vendors of the identified weaknesses.

Why ethical hacking?

Information is one of the most valuable assets of an organization. Keeping information secure can protect an organization’s image and save an organization a lot of money.
Hacking can lead to loss of business for organizations that deal in finance such as PayPal. Ethical hacking puts them a step ahead of the cyber criminals who would otherwise lead to loss of business.


Hacking is identifying and exploiting weaknesses in computer systems and/or computer networks.
Cybercrime is committing crime with the aid of computers and information technology infrastructure.
Ethical hacking is about improving the security of computer systems and/or computer networks.
Ethical hacking is legal.


Hi guys ,in today's post I will talk about what is IP address,how to know your current IP address and finally how to change your IP address.

So Lets move on to our first topic 'what is an IP address?'.

In short ,IP address is your online identity. Whenever you are surfing the net your IP address is used to identify your identity.Moreover your ip address is traced or you can say ,the record of you IP address is stored in the website data server.

With the help of IP address,anyone can find you geo-location.

Let's move on to our next question 'How to know your current IP address?'
In the very first post of this blog I have answered it very easily .You can find your current IP address within 10 seconds .Click here to read How to Know your Current IP address

Now the last question 'How to hide or change your IP address?'

The fastest answer to hide you IP address is VPN.

Now what is a VPN?
VPN stands for VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK.Just for now just search on google  (free VPN download) and download any of them .

Mostly I prefer are:-

Hotspot shield
Finch VPN
Droid VPN
Tunnel bear

Some of them are for android and some are of them are for PC .It doesn't matter just download and sign up as respective and choose any free server and connect them and just wait for 10 secs.You will see a successful connect message.

Yipee now you have an different IP address.Now don't ask what is need to hide our IP address .You are here so I guess you know the answer of this question.

And in the next post I will explain more about VPN.

If you liked this post do me a favour share it with your friends.


Hi guys,This is the very first post of this blog.In this post we are going to start with most common issue how to know your IP ADDRESS (within 10 seconds)

Although may noobs knows how to find their IP address.But this is the easiest way to find out your current IP address within 15 seconds.

So let's start how to find you IP address.Follow the following steps to know it:-

1). Open any browser.
2). In the URL bar type Check2ip.com and search it.
  ( or just click the link)
3). And wait to load the website.
4).Boom there you will know you Information related to your internet connection including IP address and ISP

It hardly takes more than 10 seconds even if you have 2G speed.

Thanks for tonight.I'll we right back with new topic guys.